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An artist's impression of a victim: notice the shoes |
In Dying to Know (2002), George Levine says
that the nineteenth century was driven by a “passion for selfless dedication to
knowledge”. In the face of the methodologies of empirical science, mysteries
such as the origin of species (Darwin) and the make-up of the universe (Dalton)
tumbled. Amid this climate of discovery, there developed an appetite for the
inexplicable. Spontaneous combustion whet this appetite: indeed, it remains a
subject of debate and conjecture to this day. The term’s profile and usage rose
exponentially throughout the nineteenth century, peeking in around 1865 (see
graph below), and it was arguably its resistance to the epistemological
rapacity of Victorian scientific endeavour that generated such fascination. I
will track its profile through its appearances in both nineteenth-century
literature and medicine, examining how it functioned both as an imaginative
device, drawing authority from the very fictional works in which it featured,
and also a “real” ailment, with an identifiable string of symptoms and causes.
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Graph of usage of the term 'spontaneous combustion' from 1700 - 1910 |
Dickens’ Bleak House
Everywhere that
spontaneous combustion appeared in the nineteenth century, it rubbed up
uncomfortably against the scientific community. One of the most notable examples
comes from Dickens’ 1852 novel Bleak
House, with Mr. Krook, a hoarder of documents. Mr. Krook is a relatively
minor character, his death taking up no more than a page in the 900-page novel;
however, the scene prompted a tremendous backlash. George Lewes wrote a letter
to Dickens decrying his deployment of the phenomenon, reminding him that his
“magnificent popularity carries with it a serious responsibility”, and not to
counteract the work of “a thousand philosophers” by making such a “vulgar error
(…) but one peculiarly adapted to the avid credulity of unscientific minds.”
The offending passage follows:
Here is a small burnt patch of flooring; here is the
tinder from a little bundle of burnt paper, but not so light as usual, seeming
to be steeped in something; and here is – is it the cinder of a small charred
and broken log of wood, sprinkled with white ashes, or is it a coal? Oh horror,
he IS here! And that from which we run away, striking out the light and
overturning one another into the street, is all that represents him.
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Oh horror! Krook's remains are discovered in this illustration |
Dickens uses
spontaneous combustion as a narrative tool: Krook’s hoarding of documents
pertaining to central characters is preventing narrative progress, so Krook’s
combustion becomes narratologically-necessitated. Interesting, then, that a
narrative device -- a self-evidently manufactured feature -- should be taken so
personally at the level of scientific (im)possibility by Lewes. More
interestingly, in his response to Lewes in the preface of Bleak House, Dickens argued, not that this was a work of fiction and so inevitably contained
elements thereof, but denied altogether that spontaneous combustion was
My good friend Mr Lewes (…) published some ingenious
letters to me (…) arguing that Spontaneous Combustion could not possibly be (…)
I do not wilfully or negligently mislead my readers, and before I wrote that
description I took pains to investigate the subject (…) I do not think it
necessary to add (…) the recorded opinions and experiences of distinguished
medical professionals (…) I shall not abandon the facts.
This back and
forth shows spontaneous combustion unnerving and offsetting scientific
discourses. Paradigms of scientific verifiability are clung to in Dickens’
reference to “the recorded opinons (…) of distinguished medical professionals”,
and his earlier reference to “about thirty cases on record”. The written record
is key to Dickens’ understanding of the real (perhaps a spot of self-indulgence
on his part): the very fact of recorded
instances of spontaneous combustion is, for Dickens, proof of its
existence. He dresses the fantastic in a lab coat.
Alexander, in her book Victorian
Literature and the Physics of the Imponderable (2015), states that
“Dickens’s novels (…) are more providential than scientific, more catastrophic
than realist”. As John Foster said, in Dickens’ world, “we were all so
connected by fate without knowing it.” Despite Dickens’ arguments for the
scientific verifiability of spontaneous combustion, it exists in Bleak House as
a cog in the gear-chain of a “providential” universe. It is a lingering,
anachronistic distributor of justice, punishing the wicked (the Krooks, or
crooks) – a harbinger of the inevitable, and an ordering force in a world of
waning Christian narratives.
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Manchester Guardian piece, 19 November 1825 |
Origins and Medicine
combustion wasn’t just discussed in fiction: it also featured on a (fairly)
regular basis in newspaper and medical articles. This clipping (right) from the Manchester
Guardian in 1825 is one of several from the period that sought to “elucidate
the hitherto inexplicable phenomenon of spontaneous combustion.” To “elucidate
the inexplicable” could serve as an epigraph to Victorian science, and
certainly to the relationship between science and spontaneous combustion. The
article, despite its claims to revelation, lists tropes which recur throughout
accounts of spontaneous combustion: “ardent spirits”; the consumption of “a
large part of the body”, “leaving other parts, particularly the head and
fingers”; “fetid moisture”; the female subject; the lack of damage to “linen
and furniture”, all of these are features, or ‘symptoms’ of spontaneous
combustion, and you will notice them throughout this blog.
The earliest
reference to spontaneous combustion came in the Acta Medica et Philosophica Hafniensia (a Danish medical journal), in 1673:
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The very first written record of spontaneous combustion |
description set a precedent, and its example is cited throughout history: from
the Manchester Guardian article quoted earlier, to Dickens’ reference to the
“thirty cases on record”. Analysing a similar case in 1731, Paul Rolli
confidently asserted:
The Fire was caused in the Entrails of the Body by
inflamed Effluvia of her Blood, by
Juices and Fermentations in the Stomach, by the many combustible Matters which
are abundant in living Bodies for the Uses of Life; and, finally, by the fiery
Evaporations which exhale from the Settlings of Spirit of Wine, (in the
stomach); within which (…) those Spirits ingender a kind of Camphire; which (…)
in Sleep, by a full Breathing and Respiration, are put in a stronger Motion,
and consequently, more apt to be set afire.
Notice Rolli’s
assured use of gently-vague biological terms: the “Juices” of the stomach; the
“many combustible Matters which are abundant in living Bodies for the Uses of
Life”. This commentary offers nothing like the rigour of nineteenth century
scientific practice; and its self-confidence is in stark contrast to Dickens’
defensive preface, which communicated a cultural obsession with fact that is
entirely absent from Rolli’s piece.
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J.M. Booth's article is cynical from the off |
By the nineteenth
century, spontaneous combustion occupied a grey area in medical imagination. An
article published in the British Medical Journal in 1888, entitled “Case of
So-Called ‘Spontaneous Combustion’”, written by J. Mackenzie Booth, is prefaced:
“The term ‘Spontaneous Combustion’ has been applied to two conditions: first,
spontaneous ignitability, and secondly, increased combustibility, and I need
hardly say that it is to the second category that the present case belongs.”
Booth’s use of inverted commas around the term spontaneous combustion is
symbolic of a shift in perception. Where Rolli calmly explained the
pyrotechnics of entrails, Booth burdens the very term “spontaneous combustion”
with cynicism (perhaps in satire of earlier accounts, like Rolli’s), assuring
his readers – as if they needed assuring – that his is a case of the increased possibility of combustion, not
combustion of the scientifically-slippery, spontaneous variety. This recalls
Dickens’ preface; its desire to stay within the realm of scientific
possibility, or rather, scientific ‘knowability’. Interestingly, Booth’s
article is actually a far closer relative of Rolli’s than Booth would have us
believe. Booth’s description of the remains of the victim runs: “the main
effects (…) were limited to the corpse (…) the body was almost a cinder, yet
retaining the form (…) and figure (…) Both hands and the right foot had burnt
off and fallen.” This description retains all the features of Rolli’s: the
“hands and right foot” of Booth’s article resemble the “two Legs untouch’d” and
“three Fingers blacken’d” of Rolli’s. Like Rolli’s victim, Booth’s is
“notoriously intemperate”. In spite of Booth’s scornful preface, he is unable,
in reality, to do anything more than Rolli: blame the booze.
combustion and modernity
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Off the rails: railway mania turns sour |
One of the
defining advancements of Victorian England was the implementation of the
railway system. Variously revered and reviled, this “artefact of modernity”, as
Nicholas Daly has dubbed it, “stood as both agent and icon of the accelerated
pace of everyday life, annihilating older experience.” William E. Aytoun, a
Scottish nationalist poet, was critical of what he called the “mania”
surrounding the railway, and, in 1845, wrote “How we got up the Glenmutchkin
Railway, and how we got out of it”, a short story (with a long title), about
two hapless entrepreneurs who found, and quickly lose, a railway company. In
his preface, Aytoun explains that the story “was intended by the writer as a
sketch of some of the more striking features of the railway mania”, further
claiming that “Although bearing the appearance of a burlesque, it was in truth
an accurate delineation.”
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Turner's famous painting communicates a similar anxiety |
The reference to
spontaneous combustion in the story is fleeting, but telling. Discussing the
board members of their disintegrating business, Bob and Augustus, the protagonists,
say: “’And Sir Polloxfen?’ ‘Died yesterday of spontaneous combustion,’” upon
which the narrator reflects that “the company seemed breaking up.” It’s
significant that spontaneous combustion signals the destruction of this
fleeting business venture. It refers back to a comment made earlier in the
story by Bob, that he had a plan to “send up the shares like wildfire.” This comment
prefigures the end of their business before it has even begun, and sets up a
metaphor which is extended throughout the piece. Aytoun concludes the story by
stating that “It contains a deep moral, if anyone has sense enough to see it.”
Ostensibly, this moral is concomitant with the metaphor of “wildfire” – the
capitalist project, which exists in microcosm in “railway mania”, is greedy and
unstable, and burns the hand that lights it. However, this “moral” can also be
understood as part of a wider context of concern within the mid-nineteenth
century over the concept of “modernity”. Daly suggests that much of Victorian
art was attempting the “escape” modernity, and in “Glenmutchkin Railway”,
spontaneous combustion acts as a knife with which Aytoun severs the
link between Scotland and modernity. Spontaneous
combustion behaves here in a similar way to in Bleak House, then: as an Old Testament-style force, punishing those
who deviate from increasingly irrelevant moral and social codes.
Spontaneous combustion
is part of a select group that mystified at the beginning of the nineteenth century,
and mystified at the end of the nineteenth century. Since its inception (or
invention) in the seventeenth century, it has been doubted but never fully
debunked in the public imagination; today, it crops up in cautious tabloid articles (and
online blogs), and I suspect its appeal to the “avid credulity of unscientific
minds” will continue for years to come.
Works cited
Alexander, Sarah. Victorian Literature and the Physics of the
Imponderable. New York: Routledge, 2015. Print.
Aytoun, William E. "The Glenmutchkin Railway." Stories
by English Authors: Scotland. New York: Scribner's, 1896. N. pag. Print.
Booth, J. M. "Case of So-Called "Spontaneous
Combustion"" Bmj 1.1425 (1888): 841-42. British Medical
Journal. Web. 29 Feb. 2016.
Dalton, John. A New System of Chemical Philosophy. New
York: Philosophical Library, 1964. Print.
Daly, Nicholas. Literature, Technology, and Modernity,
1860-2000. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2004. Print.
Darwin, Charles. The Origin of Species and the Voyage of the
Beagle. Ed. Ruth Padel. London: Vintage, 2009. Print.
Dickens, Charles. Bleak House. Ed. Norman Page and Hablot
Knight Browne. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971. Print.
Fairclough, Paul. "Spontaneous Human Combustion a Hot Topic
Once More." Guardian Online. The Guardian, 23 Sept. 2011. Web. 1
Mar. 2016.
Levine, George Lewis. Dying to Know: Scientific Epistemology
and Narrative in Victorian England. Chicago: U of Chicago, 2002. Print.
Rolli, Paul. "An Extract, by Mr. Paul Rolli, F.R.S. of an
Italian Treatise, Written by the Reverend Joseph Bianchini, a Prebend in the
City of Verona; upon the Death of the Countess Cornelia Zangari & Bandi, of
Cesena. To Which Are Subjoined Accounts of the Death of Jo. Mitchell, Who Was
Burned to Death by Lightning, and of Grace Pett at Ipswich, Whose Body Was
Consumed to a Coal." Philosophical Transactions.: Giving Some Account
of the Present Undertakings, Studies and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many
Considerable Parts of the World. .. Ed. James Parsons. Vol. 43. London:
Printed for S. Smith and B. Walford, Printers to the Royal Society, 1731.
447-61. Print.
Images used
Derailed Train. 1878. Slate.com. Web. 5 Mar. 2016.
Illustration from Dickens' Bleak House. 1853. Ancient-Origins.net.
Web. 4 Mar. 2016.
Image of 1673 article from Philosophical Transactions, London.
Personal photograph by author. 2016.
Skeleton in Chair. N.d. Secretsofthefed.com. Web. 3 Mar. 2016.
Screenshot of Google Graph. 2016. Google.co.uk. Web. 4 Mar. 2016.
Screenshot of Manchester Guardian Article, 1825. 2016. Theguardian.com.
Web. 7 Mar. 2016.
Screenshot of '"So-Called" Spontaneous Combustion'
Article, 1888.
2016. BMJ.com. Web. 6 Mar. 2016.
J. M.W. Rain, Steam and Speed – The Great Western Railway. 1844. Oil on
canvas. National Gallery, London.
Larry E. Ablaze!: The Mysterious Fires of Spontaneous Human Combustion.
New York: M. Evans, 1995. Print.
Byard, Roger W. "The Mythology of “spontaneous” Human
Combustion." Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology Forensic Sci Med
Pathol (2016): n. pag. Web. 6 Mar. 2016.
Heymer, John E. The Entrancing Flame: The Facts of
Spontaneous Human Combustion. London: Little, Brown, 1996. Print.
Marsh, H. "On the Evolution of Light from the Living Human
Subject." Bmj S1-4.9 (1842): 163-72. BMJ. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
Morton, Heather. "The “Spasmodic” Hoaxes of W. E. Aytoun
and A. C. Swinburne." SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900
48.4 (2008): 849-60. JSTOR [JSTOR]. Web. 8 Mar. 2016.
Thurston, G. ""Spontaneous Human
Combustion"" Bmj 1.4041 (1938): 1340. NCBI. Web. 8 Mar.
Further reading
Appearances in nineteenth century literature:
Brown, Charles Brockden. Wieland, or the Transformation; and
Memoirs of Carwin the Biloquist. Ed. Emory Elliott. Oxford: Oxford UP,
2009. Print.
Disraeli, Benjamin. Sybil,
Or, The Two Nations. Doylestown, PA: Wildside, 2004. Print.
Marryat, Frederick. Jacob Faithful. London: Macmillan,
1895. Print.
Redburn from: Melville, Herman. Redburn,
His First Voyage; White-jacket, Or, The World in a Man-of-war; Moby-Dick, Or,
The Whale. Comp. G. Thomas Tanselle. New York, NY: Literary Classics of the
United States, 1983. Print.
Critical discussion of SC in the nineteenth century and beyond:
For SC’s relationship with the twentieth century and law: Adelson,
Lester. "Spontaneous Human Combustion and Preternatural
Combustibility." The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police
Science 42.6 (1952): 793-810. Web.
For twenty-first century medical perspectives: Gromb, S. "Spontaneous Human
Combustion: A Sometimes Incomprehensible Phenomenon." Journal of
Clinical Forensic Medicine 7.1 (2000): 29-31. Web.
For a quirky take on SC in film and feminism: Hennefeld, Maggie.
"Destructive Metamorphosis: The Comedy of Female Catastrophe and Feminist
Film Historiography." Discourse 36.2 (2014): 176-206. Web.
For insights into SC’s relation to religion: Moreman, Christopher
M. "Inner Heat and Spontaneous Human Combustion." Journal of
Religion and Psychical Research 24.2 (2001): 92-102. Web.
nineteenth century medical perspectives: "Spontaneous Combustion of the
Human Body." The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal 4.9 (1831):
146-47. Web.
For an overview of the phenomenon with literary leanings: Whittington-Egan,
Richard. "The Enigma of Spontaneous Combustion." Contemporary
Review 294.1704 (2011): 69-80. Web.
Hi Alastair,
ReplyDeleteWhat a fascinating post! Before reading this blog, I had no idea just how significant spontaneous combustion was in the era's literature and mindset.
I am particularly interested in your reference to Dickens' Bleak House. Why do you think he chose spontaneous combustion as the death of Mr. Krook? I understand his death was crucial for narrative progress, but am interested to learn more about why this method in particular was used, especially considering the debate around the subject at the time.
Hi Phoebe
DeleteThanks a lot for your response! Regarding your question, Sarah Alexander stresses the importance of the dispersal of Mr Krook's ashes. His hoarding of materials "petrifies connections" within the text, according to Alexander. She states that "in Krook's combustion, an economic problem finds a physical solution": i.e., it is important that Krook burns to death because this facilitates the redistribution of matter, both physical and metaphorical, back to the other characters. I also think that it was important that Krook is supposed to be disliked on moral grounds, and spontaneous combustion often operated in literature at this time as a punishment for moral wrongdoings.
I hope this answers your question, and for further insights into Mr Krook's death I really recommend Alexander's book "Victorian Literature and the Physics of the Imponderable", I relied upon it heavily in my research and it's packed full of great information.
Hi Alastair,
ReplyDeleteSpontaneous combustion is such an interesting topic and one I looked into myself. There seems to be some links between it and drinking alcohol, which you have covered excellently. It is interesting that Dickens chooses to spontaneously combust Krooks as he is the owner of a rag-and-bottle shop and alcoholic!
It's really interesting that you trace the history of spontaneous combustion throughout your blog post and I would be interested to see its use within modern literature. Is this a concept dismissed by modern science?
Hi Sarah
DeleteThanks for your feedback. Yeah, I found that there was quite an obsession with linking alcohol and spontaneous combustion -- I think this may have been an attractive link to the Victorians because it implied some kind of moral punishment for alcoholism. I actually had another paragraph of this blog discussing spontaneous combustion and alcoholism more explicitly, but I had to cut it due to word count. The text I was discussing was "Jacob Faithful" by Marryat, there's a fascinating passage involving Jacob's alcoholic mother in the very first chapter which you should flick over.
In terms of its place in modern fiction, I didn't come across any examples at all in my research -- I think it really did see more interest in the nineteenth century than any time before or since. In terms of modern science and medicine, it is still discussed to this day, altough most every modern medical and scientific discussion dismisses the possibility of spontaneous combustion and focusses instead on debunking reported cases. I suggest this article from my Further Reading list for a good example of twenty-first century medical takes on the phenomenon: Gromb, S. "Spontaneous Human Combustion: A Sometimes Incomprehensible Phenomenon." Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine 7.1 (2000): 29-31. Web.
Also, for an entirely different modern approach, see this article: Moreman, Christopher M. "Inner Heat and Spontaneous Human Combustion." Journal of Religion and Psychical Research 24.2 (2001): 92-102. Web.
Hope this answers your queries,
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