‘If this girl had
stolen her mistress's watch, I do not hesitate to say she would have been
infinitely better off. We have come to this absurd, this dangerous, this monstrous
pass, that the dishonest felon is, in respect of cleanliness, order, diet, and
accommodation, better provided for, and taken care of, than the honest pauper.’
Charles Dickens, A Walk In a Workhouse (1850)
The Victorian
workhouse was undoubtedly a phenomenon that captured and defined a huge aspect
of Victorian society, particularly the grim reality for the working class in
Victorian England.
First established
in 1834 after the passing of Poor Law Amendment Act, workhouses were set up to
prevent workers from claiming poor relief and instead earn their keep. Inmates
were classified under Edwin Chadwick’s commission and subsequently separated
into several groups depending on one’s age, gender and competence. These
included able-bodied men over 15 years, able-bodied women over 15 years, men
infirm through age or illness, women infirm through age or illness, boys
between 7 and 15, girls between 7 and 15 and Children under the age of 7and 15.
Once these groups had been established, it was final and there was no further
differentiation between each individual. This meant the old, physically ill and
mentally unstable were all grouped together in certain divisions. Married
couples were parted and children separated from their parents. The conditions
were taxing both emotionally and physically.
Oppression and discrimination towards the working
class was a prevalent issue at the time, reflected in some of the most classic
pieces of Victorian Literature, particularly the writings of Charles Dickens
who rebuked many social and economic aspects of Victorian society. Arguably the
most famous depiction of the Victorian workhouse is in Oliver Twist. In the extract below, Dickens highlights the
limitations of food in the workhouse, the issue resulting in one of the most
famous quotes in a Dickens novel, ‘Please sir, I want some more’.
As the picture (left) depicts, the buildings were generally bleak, morbid, prison like structures with high, domineering walls and windows which restricted the inmates view. There was no aesthetic enhancement and the décor materialised the general workhouse morale: monotonous, uninspiring and often depressing. However it is architecture like such which are now symbolic of the Victorian era.

The standard workhouse consisted of dormitories that were restricted in space. Majority of inmates shared a bed of which were arranged in barracks. In an extract from George Orwell’s ‘The Spike’ (which was a colloquial term for a workhouse) he describes his experience of a dormitory
‘The cells measured eight feet by five, and, had no lighting
apparatus except a tiny barred window high up in the wall, and a spyhole in the
door. There were no bugs, and we had bedsteads and straw palliasses, rare luxuries
both. In many spikes one sleeps on a wooden shelf, and in some on the bare
floor, with a rolled-up coat for pillow. With a cell to myself, and a bed, I
was hoping for a sound night’s rest. But I did not get it, for there is always
something wrong in the spike, and the peculiar shortcoming here, as I
discovered immediately, was the cold’. Orwell, George (1931) The Spike.
The walls were 'decorated' so as to speak with rules and ironic bible passages and quotes such as ‘Blessed are the Poor’. Luxuries that included newspapers, books and games were not permitted. There were also workrooms, washrooms, a bake-house, dining halls, a mortuary, a chapel and a refractory ward which was for solitary confinement. There was no consideration for the infirm situated on upper floors, which often meant they were captive as they were unable to use the stairs.
Oakum picking (left) was a standard job in the workhouse amongst
women along with other domesticated roles such as scrubbing and polishing. Men
were assigned to physical tasks such as driving the corn mill which involved
walking on a Treadwheel construction.
Because workhouses were densely populated, diseases tended
to spread much faster. The hospital ward dealt with various epidemics ranging
from measles, smallpox, scarlet fever, typhoid fever an dysentery.
Although general connotations of the workhouse represent the
unforgiving hardship working class citizens at the time had to endure,
its history is an enlightening one of architecture, economics, social and
politics collectively.
Works Cited:
Dickens C. (2007). Chapter II. In: Oliver Twist. London: Penguin Popular Classics.
Orwell, G. (1931). The Spike.
Dickens C. (2007). Chapter II. In: Oliver Twist. London: Penguin Popular Classics.
Orwell, G. (1931). The Spike.
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